Meet your Booster Club Officers (FOW)

FOW carry out the mission of the organization by planning/executing/volunteering at fundraisers, events and student activities. FOW is comprised of appointed officers by the Board with a 1 year term, members, and all parents/guardians.

Meetings take place the first Thursday of every month at 8:15am at the Parent Center. 

Everyone is encouraged to attend so you can keep up with the current events on campus. 

Meet your Board of Directors (BOD)

The Board makes all financial decisions for FOW and is responsible for the governance and oversight of the booster club operations. 

The Board of Directors are annually elected by FOW members for a 2 year term. There are 9 members/seats with 7 Directors, plus WE Garden Representative, and President of FOW. 

Meetings take place the last Tuesday of every month at 8:15am at the Parent Center. Everyone is welcome to attend.