WE Garden
A state-of-the-art learning laboratory & organic garden
The WE Garden’s mission is to support our students as they become knowledgeable, responsible and joyful stewards of their world.
The Grade School Gourmet by Jeffrey Karoff
WE Garden was started in 2005, by Master Gardeners, Nora Dvosin and Nancy Giffin in an effort to enhance the classroom curriculum in an outdoor setting, while also providing students with greater opportunities for nutritional and environmental awareness. WE Garden provides a robust living laboratory for standards-based education. The outdoor classroom supports garden-based science, nutrition, environmental and arts education, with an emphasis on youth empowerment, personal responsibility and joyous participation in the learning process.
WE Garden has grown into a thriving 1/2 acre edible garden and native meadow and a second 1000 sq. ft., TK and Kindergarten garden, aptly named the WEE WE Garden. They have planted over 50 trees on campus, including shade and orchard trees and a native plant garden. The program boasts 4 Master Gardeners, as well as several dedicated Community Volunteers, who lead the outdoor classroom.
WE Garden is a Seed to Table program in which all students, during the course of a school year, participate in planting, tending, harvesting and cooking the fruits of their labors. Local chefs and restaurants are integral contributors to the Garden.

In January of 2016, Westminster Elementary and WE Garden add a Quiet Reading Garden in the main school building’s interior courtyard. The Reading Garden provides a beautiful, quiet space for children to use before the bell, during the school day, and after-school.
The Main St. Greening Project, part of the LAUSD re-pavement project, expanded WE Garden to provide more green space, privacy, and shade around the perimeter of the playground, as well a second grass soccer field. Completed in 2018, the project further integrated the garden into the school campus.
In 2021, a solar powered kitchen to support nutritional education, as well as blue bird and owl boxes for our bird-watching investigation unit were added to WE Garden.
Over the years, our garden has grown to become a model of environmental sustainability for the school and the community. It serves as an ecologically-themed teaching tool to support Westminster’s environmental studies magnet program.
The WE Garden Lab
Help make the GARDEN LAB a reality, Donate to the WE Garden today!
To enhance our current program, WE Garden has a vision to build a learning GARDEN LAB to be used as an essential part of the Environmental Studies Magnet curriculum. The building itself would be a teaching tool, a simple three-sided shed constructed with state-of-the-art, innovative technology using photo-voltaic cells to generate electricity, environmentally friendly building materials as its support structure, water catchment systems, induction stoves for nutrition classes, and generous counter tops for science stations to foster student-led inquiries.